
Age and spending hours under the sunlight can make your skin appear dull and lifeless. Not only can it look patchy, but it can also be ridden with wrinkles and sun spots that make you feel self-conscious. Today’s beauty procedures make it easy for you to obtain a youthful aesthetic, and one of them is the Halo™ laser. If you are looking to correct damaged skin, then we welcome you to the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to experience the advanced Halo™ service.


The best candidates for Halo™ laser are generally women and men who are looking to obtain skin clarity. If you have imperfections like brown spots, enlarged pores, wrinkles, or unappealing skin texture, this treatment may be a suitable option for your needs.

The procedure is not usually recommended for individuals with darker skin, as it can lead to hyperpigmentation when set on higher levels. Those who have light skin are often the best candidates, as they are less likely to develop side effects. If you are prone to melasma, we also advise exceptional care, as the laser has the potential to make things worse for that particular skin condition.

Halo™ is often recommended for patients who want to obtain a rejuvenated look. The procedure only takes about 30 to 45 minutes to perform, depending on the size of the treatment area, and downtime is typically about four to five days.

How It Works

Halo™ works by releasing two separate wavelengths, one non-ablative and the other ablative, to address a variety of skin concerns. The treatment may be set on different levels, making it customizable for whatever your skin might need. As the laser penetrates your skin, it triggers the body’s natural healing process, reducing years’ worth of sun damage.

The laser can start the cell renewal process, delivering controlled damage to the upper skin level and destroying the unhealthy cells. The body will then work to eliminate these cells naturally, pushing the healthy cells from underneath to the surface. This helps reduce sun spots, age spots, pigmented lesions, and even hyperpigmentation.

As your body’s healing response is triggered, a new production of collagen and elastin begins to form. Not only can this reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it can also improve the elasticity of your skin. The same process can further reduce the appearance of acne scars while diminishing the size of your pores and reducing the frequency of acne breakouts.


Many individuals associate the recovery with the feeling of a mild sunburn, and your skin will likely feel warm for about an hour after leaving the office.

Similar to any laser procedure, you will likely notice some swelling, bruising, redness, pain, or itching within the following days after the treatment. You can use cooling packs to keep the discomfort under control. As the skin renewal process progresses, you might notice that your skin is beginning to peel. As tempting as it may be, please refrain from picking at the peeling skin, as this can lead to potential scarring.

It is recommended that you do not wear any makeup while the skin is in the recovery period; however, a recommended medical-grade tinted sunscreen can be purchased to provide light coverage and sun protection during this time.


Most results become visible from the moment the swelling goes down, which is about six to seven days after the Halo™ treatment. You’ll start noticing the luminosity and glow that people are talking about, and your pigmentation spots should be less visible and continue to improve with each session.

However, full results appear around two to three months after the procedure. This is how long it will take for your skin to produce new collagen. Most patients notice that their wrinkles are gone and that their pores look smaller in comparison to how they were before the Halo™ treatment. Acne scars are also less obvious, with the skin looking smoother, without as much texture.

Bear in mind that while this procedure can turn the clock back on your skin, it will not stop the natural aging process. This is why, to continue enjoying these results in the long term, you should schedule a Halo™ maintenance appointment at least once a year.


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